Energy and Physical Health
In this activity, we will talk and practice techniques such as Reiki, Tai Chi, Chi Kung (Qi Qong), and Tapping. All of this combining theory, practice, and visuals to create a blend of theory and lived experiences, providing an enjoyable experience for those attending this activity.
The purpose is for us to learn that there are very ancient and simple techniques that allow us to connect with the energy in our surroundings to improve our health by tapping into our vital energy.
A guide on holistic techniques in which therapies like movements, breathing, and postures are used to connect with energy, move it, and enhance our physical health.
Edwin Bisonó
Edwin Bisonó Vélez is an Industrial Engineer with a Master's in High Management, a professional focused on Continuous Improvement and Operational Excellence.
He is a partner in our institution ADEUSA, with over 10 years of experience as an instructor and speaker. In the holistic realm, he is a Reiki Master in the Usui Tibetan method.
Department of Reiki and Holistic Healing Techniques at ADEUSA.
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Open the GoTo app and enter the following access code: 812 235 893
You can also join the broadcast via phone (audio only). Please call: +1 (571) 317-3129 and use the following access code: 812 235 893.
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This activity is presented completely free of charge by the HOLISTIC HEALING EVENINGS program of ADEUSA.