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The Art of Parenting with Love: Building Lasting Bonds

The Art of Parenting with Love: Building Lasting Bonds

Recognizing the vital importance of the parent-child bond for a child's growth.

This program equips parents with the understanding and tools necessary to address the unique needs and characteristics of their children. Studies highlight the significant influence of parent-child interactions on the child's cognitive and emotional development. Effective parenting can greatly shape a child's behavior and emotional health.

Our program aims to help parents find the right combination of maturity, empathy, and discipline to support a nurturing family and social environment.

Key Areas:

1. Set realistic expectations for parents.

2. Cultivate an empathetic understanding of children's needs.

3. Learn to value and implement empathetic and effective discipline methods, along with positive reinforcement.

4. Define and respect the roles and duties of both parents and children.

5. Develop power and independence in children

Mariana López

Psychotherapist. Social Worker

Mariana López has dedicated more than two decades to promoting mental health, wellness, and empowerment in diverse communities. Her academic career began at LaGuardia Community College, where she obtained an Associate Degree in Mental Health, followed by a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Psychology and a Master's Degree in Social Work from New York University. She has worked in various capacities including: Social Worker, Psychotherapist, Mental Health Consultant, Educational Program Director, Research Assistant, Clinical Supervisor, Trainer, Founder, and Chief of Operations.

Department of Reiki and Holistic Healing Techniques of ADEUSA

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This activity is presented entirely free of charge by the ADEUSA HOLISTIC HEALING AFTERNOONS program.

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